Week 1, Day 3...COMPLETE!! I can feel my muscles starting to stiffen as I sit here so this will be brief. I have to say though...I LOVE running! I had forgotten how good it feels to just crank up the music and move! Granted I'm following the program and not getting ahead of myself but I am so looking forward to being able to run a race!
This purple band has joined me in my workout routine. My arms and back will be sore tomorrow but hey after a few weeks of this maybe just my hand will wave at you instead of my whole arm!;)
My little dude that came in to enjoy some tunes at the end of my workout!
Another "X"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My treat tonight...raspberry jello with light whipped cream! It was YUMMY!
And finally coming soon, my birthday present and my new work out partner!
The workout: 5 minute warm-up 4.0 mph; 60 seconds jogging (5.0 mph), 90 seconds walking (4.0 mph) for 20 minutes; 5 minute cool down; and then this:
Strength Training With Resistance Bands
The following workout is an upper body strength training routine using a resistance band. For beginners, start with one set of 16 repetitions of each exercise. For intermediate exercisers (those who have been lifting weights for up to three months), perform 1-2 sets of 12-16 repetitions. For advanced exercisers (those who have been lifting weights for three or more months), perform 2-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions. Make sure you warm up for 5-10 minutes before beginning this routine and that you stretch each muscle group both between sets and after your workout. To progress, use thicker resistance bands.
Chest Press
Wrap the band around something stable behind you and hold handles in both hands, tubing running along the inside of the arms (under the armpits), palms facing each other. Squeeze chest and press arms out in front of you. Return to start and repeat.
Bent Over Row
Center tube under feet and bend forward at the waist, back flat and abs in. Grab tube close to the feet and bend the elbows to pull the arms up to the torso, squeezing the back. You can also do a seated version on a ball or chair.
Rear Delt Row
Wrap band around stable object and sit (or stand) facing it, holding the handles with arms out in front, palms down. Pull the elbows back until level with torso, squeezing the shoulder blades and keeping arms parallel to ground.
One-Armed Reverse Fly
With front foot standing on one end of the band, hold other end in one hand and lean over, abs in, torso at 45 degrees. Keeping elbow slight bent and in fixed position, raise arm out to shoulder level, squeezing shoulder blades.
One-Armed Lateral Raise
Sit (or stand) with one end of tube under foot and the other end in one hand. Keeping elbow slightly bent and fixed, lift the arm out to side, to shoulder level.
Overhead Press
Place both feet on tube and grasp handles, bringing hands up just over shoulders with elbows bent and palms in. Press arms up over head and then lower.
External Rotation
Attach band to a sturdy object and sit or stand with right side facing object, holding handle in the left hand. Begin with hand in front of belly, elbow at 90 degrees. Keeping elbow in fixed position, rotate the forearm out to the side to about 30-45 degrees (not too far!). Skip this move if you have shoulder problems.
Bicep Curl
Place both feet on tube and grasp handles (the wider the feet, the harder the exercise). Bend the elbows and curl hands up towards shoulder. Lower and repeat.
Cross-Body Bicep
Place left foot on band and hold the handle in right hand. Begin the move with palm facing in and bend the elbow, curling hand up towards the shoulder, going across the body.
Band Kickback
Attach band to sturdy object in front of you in a split stance, bent at the waist with abs in. Hold handle in one hand, elbow bent. Straighten the arm, contracting the back of the arm.